866-99 ON-NET


866-99 ON-NET


General Benefits to the High-Speed Fiber Network

Meeting the FutureThe Chicago-Southland Fiber Network provides the ideal network to support the broadband requirements American communities inevitably are going to face in the 21st Century. It is the broadband future; a future that is available—and affordable—today.
Centralization and ConnectivityMunicipalities with multiple facilities inter-connected on the Chicago-Southland Fiber Network can centralize information and services/software now spread out among multiple locations. Users at remote or satellite sites will be able to access data stored on a server at a central facility on the network. Centralization is possible because the network permits transport speeds between one and 10 gigabits between facilities.

Examples for Municipalities, Public Safety

Economic VitalityHaving enough broadband is critical to Chicago-Southland’s economic well-being. The Internet has become the new marketplace, and its effective use by individuals, communities and nations will significantly impact how well they do economically. As the U.S. Department of Commerce has observed, economic growth is disproportionately going to those communities that have broadband.
Centralized AdministrationBusinesses and municipalities with multiple facilities can link their central computer system via Chicago-Southland Fiber Network to facilities across a region. An entity might share a common server or database located at a central facility. Information stored at the central facility can be delivered over Chicago-Southland Fiber Network to users at remote or satellite locations.
Centralized Telephone Systems & Video SurveillanceUsing the Chicago-Southland Fiber Network, calls made within one’s own private network can be made without the costs associated with traditional telephone services. Video surveillance may also be centralized in one facility, allowing grounds to be monitored and data to be stored remotely.
Remote Data Storage for Backup or Disaster RecoveryUsers and network administrators will have additional options for off-site data storage and backup. An entity could choose to store information in remote or neighboring county facilities. Such information can be reconstituted more simply in the event of data loss or destruction at the primary facility.
Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1)The next generation of 9-1-1 systems will provide the public the ability to send dispatchers text and video messages. Expanded transport capacity on the Chicago-Southland Fiber Network and options to connect to radio repeaters means the capacity to transmit more detailed, timely information. This includes the ability for users to stream and transmit high definition content among telecommunicators, first responders, and officials in public safety and emergency operations centers.
Shared ResourcesUsers from multiple governments, public safety facilities, and court systems would have the option to obtain or offer consolidated services and database management. Software and other programs could be purchased at bulk rates and information could be shared or stored by multiple government facilities connected to each other on the network.