866-99 ON-NET


866-99 ON-NET


Schools and Libraries are eligible to participate in the USAC E-Rate program. This program provides the ability to obtain high speed internet funded primarily through the FCC’s USAC program.

Schools (public or private, K-12) and libraries, and groups of schools and libraries are eligible for discounts on eligible internet access, specifically fiber and related equipment for distribution of broadband in the school or between various campus locations.

We can assist you with both your Catigory 1 and Carigory 2 needs.

If you are currently a partner in the ICN consortium please give us a call as we can provide you transport on CSFN fiber through our direct interconnect to ICN, while providing redundant diversity to the ICN connection.

General Benefits to the High-Speed Fiber Network

Meeting the FutureThe increase in speed and quality will revolutionize everything in the classroom. Facilities inter-connected with the Chicago-Southland Fiber Network will have the option to centralize information and services/software now spread out among multiple locations. Users at remote ore satellite sites will be able to access data stored on a server at a central facility on the network, avoiding duplication of services and equipment.
Centralization and ConnectivityCentralization is possible because the Chicago-Southland Fiber Network permits transport speeds between one and 10 gigabits between facilities. Improved connectivity enhances data, audio, and video connections between users and provides IT administrators with additional options for off-site data storage and backup.
Technology Choice of the 21st CenturyThe Chicago-Southland Fiber Network will provide broadband access that is enormously important as libraries fulfill their mission of serving the American public. People of all ages and backgrounds increasingly depend on the local library’s public access computers, Internet access, and reference suport to search for jobs, take classes, complete homework assignments, obtain medical information, and receive government information and services.
New ServicesA fiber connection gives a library the flexibility to introduce new, innovative services while adapting to the future information needs of its community. In some cases, the costs of a fiber connection may be in the same range as those of obtaining multiple T1 circuits. Yet fiber can offer much more bandwidth and facilitate the addition of even more capacity simply by changing the electronics at either end of the fiber cable.

Examples for Education:

School Benefits The Chicago-Southland Fiber Network will connect school districts with a dark fiber solution allowing them to interconnect at gigabit and greater speeds locally without re-negotiations of costly contracts. The schools will be able to access educational services from state universities, community colleges and beyond. The Chicago-Southland Fiber Network is directly connect to the Illinois Century Network (ICN), so education institutions can take advantage of the direct interconnection.
Distance Learning Two-way high-speed communication and video conferencing allows students and teachers to minimize the obstacles of distance and maximize the potential of simultaneous voice, data and video sharing.
Centralized Administration Districts with multiple facilities can link their central computer system video the Chicago-Southland Fiber Network to schools across a region. A school district might share a common server or database located at a central facility. Information stored at the central facility can be delivered over Chicago-Southland Fiber Network to users at remote or satellite locations.
New Learning Opportunities Levels the playing field giving all schools districts the same opportunities. Access to streaming high-definition video, lessons taught by experts, as well as virtual field trips. Ability to offer offsite advanced placement subjects not currently offered with a district, the ability to bring speakers into the classroom by way of Web-Ex or Skype, and to use free online content for video streaming into the classroom.
Upgrade Communications & Security Using the Chicago-Southland Fiber Network, calls made within one’s own private network can be made without the costs associated with traditional telephone services. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone capability for all classrooms. Capability for installing IP-addressable security cameras in every school to enhance safety.
Remote Data Storage for Backup Users and network administrators will have additional options for off-site data storage and backup. An entity could choose to store information in remote ore neighboring county facilities. Such information can be reconstituted more simply in the event of data loss or destruction at the primary facility.

Examples for Libraries:

Unlimited CapacityFrom a technical perspective, fiber optics is the most robust technology currently available. In contrast to other technologies, such as digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modem, wireless, or satellite, the Chicago-Southland Fiber Network provides almost unlimited capacity.
Reliable, AffordableThe Chicago-Southland Fiber Network is more reliable and less costly to maintain the electronic networking. A fiber network will typically have fewer points of failure than a copper-based network, and fiber cable typically enjoys an installation life of 20 years or longer.
Remote Data Storage for BackupUsers and network administrators will have additional options for off-site data storage and backup. A library could choose to store information in remote or neighboring county facilities. Such information can be reconstituted more simply in the event of data loss or destruction at the primary facility.
Centralization and ConnectivityLibraries inter-connected on the Chicago-Southland Fiber Network will have the option to centralize information and services/software that are spread out among multiple locations. Users at remote or satellite sites will be able to access data stored on a server at a central facility on the network. Centralization is possible because the Chicago0Southalnd Fiber Network permits transport speeds between one and 10 gigabits between facilities. Improved connectivity enhances data, audio, and video connections between users and provides IT administrators with additional options for off-site data